October, 2019
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Catch and Cook NT Blue Swimmer Crab

I hope you enjoy this Catch n Cook Blue Swimmer Crab, Northern Territory Style episode. Fishing location: Darwin Harbour, launched from Dinah Beach boat ramp right near Darwin city, Northern Territory (NT). Fishing plan: Throw in the 2 small crab pots, then go fishing for Barramundi or other desirable fishRead More …
Barra Fishing and Mud Crabbing (Darwin Creek Australia)

Mud crabs and fresh Barramundi. The perfect combination for a Catch and Cook episode. That was the plan anyway. We actually did catch both Barra and Mud Crabs, but unfortunately the fishing wasn’t good enough to bring anything home for the Catch and Cook. The fishing location today was upRead More …
Superstitions (Barra Fishing Shady Camp)

Some days, things just don’t go right. What started off as a Fishing trip to Corroboree Billabong, turned into a Fishing trip to Shady Camp Barrage 8 days later. More specifically, Shady Camp Barrage boat ramp is where we launched from. The mouth of Sampan Creek is where we wereRead More …